Sunday 27 September 2015

The Puzzling Mystery

Last week, after hanging out with bro Tz, I kinda had an unexpected surprise when I went to the car park. "Someone" left a fedora hat on my car, and it was honestly disturbing, since whoever the person was, that guy definitely knew that I like fedora hats, plus he also managed to find my car at the parking lot. 

So dear stalker, I don't know if you're on my Facebook friends list, or you're a blogger following my blog, whatever you did isn't funny, I'm very much sure you're aware that I'm not "available", so I seriously hope you won't do anything like this in the future. 

Besides, why on earth would you waste your money getting a fedora hat for me ? And why would you stalk me ? I ain't a celebrity, I ain't single, plus I ain't drop dead handsome. Ko memang gila...lain kali ko jangan gi stalk jantan orang lain, sumpah giler I will bash you if I know who you are !!

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