Friday, 13 September 2019

Mid Autumn

Another blessed mid autumn festival, we light up lanterns and candles together in front of our home, managed to get our neighbour's attention ( it's obvious we are a couple, but I think our neighbours are still trying to figure out how this kopi and susu got together, haha ). We also had mooncakes for breakfast. More beautiful memories to remember  :)

Wishing all the readers out there, happy mid autumn festival, 祝大家 中秋节 快乐 <3


  1. There's a kopi susu couple who used to come to Mandarin mass at my parish. Been some time since I spotted them.

    1. straight or rainbow couple ? i have come across few Malaysian kopi susu gay couples tho, as in indian and chinese ones, rarely come across indian with malay, haha

  2. have happy celebration guys!

  3. Gay couple. Straight couples very common in church.
