Monday 28 January 2019


Bee went to Japan for a week during Christmas along with his boss and colleagues, it was his company holiday trip, he was sad he wouldn't be able to spend Christmas with me, but I told him to enjoy the trip as he needed a holiday, plus I jokingly said that he can't be looking at my face 24/7, wouldn't that be boring for him, haha, but he didn't took the joke well, so my bumblebee merajuk I said that, well, honestly he needs his personal space, and he definitely needs his time for himself, so I was glad that he went to Japan for a week. He kept asking me what I want from there, so I told him to get something significant, nothing expensive, but just an item that's meaningful and reminds him of me, till the end of his trip, he kept messaging me and told me that he haven't bought enough gifts for me ( why lah, you come back home safely enough for me already ).

I was rather shocked when I saw the amount of things he got for me when he was back, plenty of cute stuffs, but among all, this is my favourite, and I nicknamed this cute green teddy bear which Bee bought from a wasabi farm in Kyoto as Wasabear  <3


  1. I love the colour of this bear! So green!

    1. haha, special edition wasabi coloured teddy bear for the farm’s 100th year anniversary :)
